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Автор Тема: Crucified And By Mistress Katharina 2020  (Прочитано 335 раз)

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Crucified And By Mistress Katharina 2020
« : 30 Ноября 2021, 19:27:16 »

Title:   Crucified And By Mistress Katharina.mp4 - 1 013 MiB
Time:   17mn 27s
Res.:   1920 x 1080 - 24.000 fps


defenseless victims was always one of my favourite pastimes. Putting current through his dick, only by pressing a button, is very funny for me. It is also great to see, how the clamps on his chest - especially on his nipples - are hurting more and more as time passes. Not only the pain, but his fear is getting bigger and bigger, dreading the moment when I knock the clamps off with my whip.
In this clip you can see, how Mistress Katharina her slave, who is fixiated defenceless on the cross. Therefor she uses a burning cigarette and clamps. A shock collar, which is attached to his penis, is also used. The slave is getting spat on and Mistress Katharina does not hold back on verbal and humiliation.
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